Sunday, December 29, 2019

Women in the Apology of Socrates Essay - 1413 Words

Women in the Apology of Socrates The most striking thing about women in the Apology of Socrates is their absence from where we might expect them. Only two specific women are mentioned: 1) the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo, who answers Chaerephons question that no one is wiser than Socrates (21a); and 2) Thetis, the mother of Achilles (who himself is not mentioned by name but only referred to as the quot;son of Thetisquot;), who warns him that he will die if he kills the Trojan hero Hector (28c). Only two other times does Socrates even mention women: 1) a disparaging reference that those who embarrass the city by coming into court, weeping and carrying on to win the sympathy of the jury, quot;are in no way better than womenquot;†¦show more content†¦Note Matthew 5:27, where there were certainly women present in the crowd that Jesus spoke to, here in the Sermon on the Mount, but he merely says quot;everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.quot; There is no thing about what happens if a woman looks at a man lustfully. We are left to assume that this must be equally as bad for women, but Jesus doesnt actually say so. There certainly were no women actors in Greek plays, which would have been unacceptably scandalous -- the same situation as in Shakespearian Britain and in the Kabuki plays of Tokugawa Japan. By Roman times there were some female actors, but when the future Roman Emperor Justinian married the former actress Theodora, they were afflicted with vicious rumors from then on that she had been a prostitute. Unmarried Greek women attended events like the Olympic games -- where the athletes went naked -- but married women did not. Respectable women did not even go shopping in the marketplace. The only women who freely moved in public life were courtesans (like Theodotà ª). Although Plato will later question separate spheres and roles for the sexes (at least among his Guardians) and admitted women to the Academy (Axiothea of Phlius and Lasthenia of Mantinea -- as Pythagoras is supposed to have admitted at least one woman, Theano, to his order), Socrates does not. Indeed, the spheres of life ofShow MoreRelatedSocrates As A Martyr And Socrates927 Words   |  4 PagesIn philosophy class this semester we spoke a lot about Socrates and his trial. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Nation Of Laws For America - 1218 Words

July 4, 1776; Independence day, the day America became its own independent nation from the rule of King George III of Great Britain. With the new country, the Founding Fathers believed it to be best to have law governing the nation instead of man governing the nation. The Founding Fathers wanted a nation of laws due to their experiences with King George III and his unfair rulings. With this, though some people would disagree, it would create what the United States of America is today; a nation of law, protecting the people’s civil freedoms. What exactly led the Founding Fathers to their idea of a nation of laws for America? In 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was an act that was implemented in the American colonies that required most printed material to be taxed. The American colonies believed this to be unfair because they did not have a say in the taxation. After months of protesting, the act was vetoed, but a new act was implemented into the colonies in 1773. This act, the Tea Act, forced the colonists to purchase tea from one and only one company. These were the sparks that would soon start a revolution. This is the result of being ruled by man. Because of this, because the Founding Fathers did not want a repeat of what happened with Great Britain, because the Founding Fathers knew that there would be corruption if a nation is ruled by man, they chose America to be a nation to be ruled by law; a nation of laws. Being a nation of laws hasShow MoreRelatedThe World s Longest Surviving Wr itten Charter Of Government798 Words   |  4 PagesNations can own much land, wealth, or large amount of population. However, none of the factors make a nation great. Russia has much land and China is the wealthiest nation with the largest population. However, both of these nation have something in common. Citizens of Russia and China are both not free. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Body Shop Proposal Free Essays

Proposal Outline (4%) Proposition Statement:____________________________________________ This proposal aims to produce a 4-as campaign in Seventeen to promote The Body Shop Bath body products to audiences aged 15 – 19. P1: Proposition (2 paras) I. The Body Shop is currently lacking in advertisement directed towards teenagers even though sales would be greatly boosted if they can manage to appeal to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Body Shop Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now A. This is because they choose to focus on targeting working adults which is leaned towards a mature image and does not appeals to teens. B. They will lose the potential to increase their sales volume if this continues. II. There are three main possible themes that we would like to propose. A. Firstly, â€Å"Fire† will be emphasising on the strong yet feminine aspects of the product. B. Secondly, â€Å"Earth† will bring attention on the environmentally-friendly nature of the products C. And lastly, the â€Å"Air† theme showcases the comfort level of the products. D. This is a proposal for an advertisement spread in Seventeen selling The Body Shop Bath Body products. ?There is a choice of three themes for the campaign, â€Å"Fire†, â€Å"Earth†, and â€Å"Water†. The recommended products for the 4-ad campaign are to be bath shower gel, body lotion, body butter, and body scrub. P2: Potential (3 paras) I. The Body Shop is currently lacking of advertisement directed to teenagers. A. For a cosmetics retail company, The Body Shop noticeably lacks of photographs of models with beautiful hair and perfect skin, which would attract attention of teenagers. B. Currently, The Body Shop is targeting working adults and the advertisement that they made is leaned more towards a mature image. This image does not appeal to teenagers. II. The Body Shop does not appeal to teenagers and in doing so, it loses a huge number of potential customers. A. Teenagers are not attracted to The Body Shop because of a lack of celebrity representation. B. With the lack of advertisement, targeted audience will not be encourage to trial purchase, brand switch and develop brand loyalty towards The Body Shop. III. Sales would be greatly boosted if The Body Shop were able to appeal to teenagers. A. The Body Shop will be able to maximise it’s profits because Singaporeans teenagers aged 15-19 are very willing to spend money on body products. B. Products such as body products could easily allow the consumer to develop brand loyalty towards the brand because they would have develop a habit for using our brand’s product. This results in repeated purchases and promotes sales in long term. P3: Possibilities (3 paras) I. The first theme, â€Å"Fire† theme will emphasize the strong yet feminine aspects of the product. A. â€Å"Fire† will pitch the products in a sexy yet elegant way, appealing to girls who want to be seen as confident and independent women. B. For example, in the Body butter advertisement, we can feature a model clad in only lingerie and high heels and applying body butter on her body. This would suggest that one would feel confident with their body after using our products. The main colour of this advertisement will be red, black and white to give off a Parisian feel, which represents elegance, yet at the same time emphasizes on the fiery and bold aspects of the theme. II. The second theme, â€Å"Earth† will focus attention on the environmentally friendly nature of the products. A. Products would come across as environmental and relaxing under the â€Å"Earth† theme and would appeal to both males and females because it makes them feel comfortable. B. The advertisement for bath shower gel portray a model unwinding in a bathtub full of soapy water, implying that she had just used the product and suggest that one would feel relaxed after using the product. The background of this advertisement could be a natural setting filled with trees and plants to emphasize on the nature aspects of the theme. III. The third theme, the â€Å"Air† theme, will showcase the comfort level of the products. A. Under the â€Å"Air† theme, products would be pitch as simple yet lasting comfort, appealing to both genders because of the theme’s purity and freshness. B. One example of a body lotion advertisement under the â€Å"Air† theme is to do a compare and contrast of a model who applied the body lotion in the morning and the same model looking energetic and fresh at night to represent the lasting effects and the comfort level can be seen through the model’s cheerful appearance. The advertisement would be in pastel colours to emphasize on the theme’s purity. P4: Proposal (3 paras) I. We have decided to go with the â€Å"Earth† theme because it highlights the key feature of our product and will be effective in attracting our target audience’s interest. A. The Body Shop unique selling point is being environmentally friendly and it is also what the audience associate The Body Shop with. By going along with this theme, audience are able to identify The Body Shop because our concept will be consistent. B. B. Our target audience have a very hectic lifestyle and by portraying a product, which comes across as relaxing to them is a very feasible idea because it is what the target audience need and that is also what they are looking for. This will thus increase sales of the products. II. We have rejected the â€Å"Fire† theme because it doesn’t specifically appeals to our target audiences. A. The â€Å"Fire† theme might seem over-mature to our target audiences and they would not want to be associated with such image. B. The â€Å"Fire† theme might also be inappropriate and clashes with The Body Shop image because The Body Shop has always emphasize that beauty can be achieve even without baring a lot of skin. II. We have also rejected the â€Å"Air† theme because it’s concept is very common in Body products. A. The concept of comfort in a body product is not unique and thus, would not be effective in attracting the targeted audience as it doesn’t stand out. B. Audiences are easily able to find cheaper alternatives with the same benefits. *Total number of paras: 11 (do not create any more paragraphs†¦ it’s 11, no more, no fewer) How to cite Body Shop Proposal, Essay examples