Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stereotypes In Childrens Storybooks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Stereotypes In Childrens Storybooks - Essay Example It has been a practice that children’s book have portrayed people with disability in a negative manner. Some of these stereotypes assert that people with disability are pathetic and pitiable. In this sense, this image is widely written in children’s book, which in turn makes children develop a negative mind about disabled people. In addition, stereotypes of disability in children’s literature or book have portrayed people with disability as objects of aggression or violence. For instance, since handicapped people are not able to defend themselves, they are depicted as good victims or ploys of crime (Stuart 2006, 51). Further, disabled people such as the blind are depicted as evil or sinister. This stereotype is the most rampant stretching from fairy tales to stories of how blind people lost their sight because of sin or sinful behaviors. In turn, it leaves a negative impression that disabled people are sinful and therefore, they should not be associated. Addition ally, children's book creates an impression that people with disability should be used as atmosphere by describing them as undeveloped characters. It has been a common phenomenon that children storybooks depict disable people as â€Å"super crip† in that for them to be accepted in both society and children’s storybooks, they are placed in situations of being over-achievers (Baumeister & Bushman 2010, 41). Therefore, persons with disability are thought to be bestowed with super powers such as paraplegic detective. Children’s storybooks have depicted persons with disability as laughable. In the same manner, there exist ethnic jokes in children’s books. Children’s books make frequent or regular use of such jokes as gimmick to enhance and facilitate the plot of the book. For instance, a blind person or a visually impaired person becomes the suitable object for many jokes (Judd & Park 1993, 109-111). This shows an insensitive and unreasonable depiction of persons with

Monday, February 10, 2020

The effect of EDPA and FDPA on students' final examination results Article

The effect of EDPA and FDPA on students' final examination results (You can change this) - Article Example school or college, to score well in the examination, students are now taking the help of private tuitions, specialized coaching centers as well as in modern times some software as well which are designed to evaluate the answers of the students based on their study materials and helping them to figure out where they stands before the examination. Topic of Discussion:The main question of this paper is how important is additional drill or technology for the better results in the examination. At the same time the paper is also give a comparative study of two offline technology namely EDPA and FDP and analyze based on a survey which one is better for the students. The school and college level exams bring a big pressure for the students as well as their parents also. The research has shown that the pressure of examination or weight of scoring high marks in examination always generate some anxietymind and in the heart of the student. To overcome those there are number of new theories in the present education system. Mainly the technology has changed the way students used to prepare themselves for studies and examination. The current trend of education is more or less based on one common idea and that is the last mistake is the best teacher of the student. From the early part of 1990s, the â€Å"constructivist revolution† as mentioned by Mayer (2004) has brought new conceptions of learning and the demand for life-long learning is omnipresent. To prepare students for better future as well as making them well equipped with the future corporate challenges, various educational institutes are now changing their tactics from vocational training to supervisor-oriented approach and discovery learning approach. In both of these approaches, the main focus is on active as well as experiential learning as a base of practical learning mode. The detail about school setting or the teaching process is a key behind better results. According to Kirschner (2006) unguided or minimum